SQL Server Rename Column


This article will cover how to rename a column in SQL Server. The function of a SQL Server rename column is not performed too often. Usually we do this when we roll out a new product and we want to make a column more generic.

SQL Server Rename Column (SQL Server 2005 and beyond)

They make this super simple. Just remember to put to single quotes around the parameters.

EXEC	sp_rename 'Animals.AnimalName', 'AnimalRealName', 'COLUMN'

The above SQL Server rename column code snippet has a few parts to it. Here is the breakdown:

  • sp_rename – This is a system stored procedure will rename different types of objects in SQL Server.
  • ‘Animals.AnimalName’ – This is the tablename and column that I would like to rename.
  • ‘AnimalRealName’ – This is the new name that I would like to call the column.
  • ‘COLUMN’ – This is the type of object that you would like to rename is. To rename a column, always leave this value ‘COLUMN’.

If you would like to know how to do a SQL Server rename column for SQL Server versions prior to 2005, please leave a note in the comments.

Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188351(v=sql.90).aspx

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